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The Importance of Avoiding Eye Rubbing to Protect Your Vision

Date :19-May-2023

All of us have the habit of rubbing our eyes from time to time. It could be due to fatigue, discomfort, itching, or even sleepiness. However, this seemingly harmless act can have unintended consequences. Our eyes are highly prone to germs, and touching them with unclean hands can introduce harmful bacteria and viruses. 


The Hidden Dangers of Germs

Our skin harbors various types of microorganisms, known as "skin flora." Though many are harmless or even beneficial, certain germs can cause infections and diseases when they cross the protective barrier of our skin. Whenever we touch surfaces containing germs, they cling to our skin and get easily transferred to our eyes, particularly if they reside under our fingernails.


The Vulnerability of Our Eyes

Fortunately, our eyes possess natural defense mechanisms. Eyelashes serve a practical purpose by keeping irritants at bay, and blinking helps remove debris from the surface of the eyes. Additionally, the tear film acts as a protection, safeguarding against harmful substances. However, rubbing our eyes can compromise these defenses leading to corneal injuries and weakening of our eye's natural barriers.


Protecting Your Eyes from Germs

Minimizing eye contact is crucial, especially for individuals who wear contact lenses. Whenever you need to touch your eyes, ensure you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and keep your fingernails neatly trimmed. It can be challenging to eliminate from under the nails, making them a breeding ground for potential infections. Similar precautions apply to those with artificial nails.


Seek Professional Help

If you experience eye symptoms like itchiness, redness, watering, tenderness, or burning, it may indicate an eye infection. It is advisable to schedule an appointment with an eye care professional who can assist in treating the infection or identifying any underlying causes. Meantime, refrain from rubbing your eyes to prevent exacerbating the issue.



Protecting your eyes from germs is essential for maintaining good eye health. By avoiding the habit of rubbing your eyes, practicing proper hand hygiene, and seeking professional help when necessary, you can significantly reduce the risk of eye infections and protect your vision. Remember, your eyes are precious, so treat them with care and keep them safe from harmful germs.

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