Treatment for Blepharitis
Blepharitis is an inflammation which is caused to the eyelids, usually caused by an excess growth of the bacteria that is usually seen on the skin, blockage of the eyelid's oil glands & rarely allergies.
Blepharitis is a common eye condition, which causes the eyelids to reddened, itchy, & somewhat swollen & scaly-appearing at the base of eyelashes. It is the most frequent cause of dry eyes. A dysfunction of the eyelid's oil glands which leads to blepharitis occurs due to a hormone imbalance.
Self-care measures, like washing the eyes & using warm compresses, will be the only treatment required for most cases of the blepharitis. If that is not enough, doctor suggest you prescription treatments, which includes:
- Medications that fight infection: Antibiotics that apply on the eyelid have been shown to give relief of the symptoms & decrease bacterial infection of the eyelids. These are available in variety of forms, like eyedrops, creams & ointments. If you don't react to the topical antibiotics, doctor may suggest you an oral antibiotic.
- Medications to control inflammation: Steroid eyedrops or ointments which may help you to control inflammation. Your doctor prescribes both antibiotic & anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Medications that affect the immune system: Topical cyclosporine is a calcineurin inhibitor which has been shown to give relief of some signs & symptoms of blepharitis.
- Treatments for underlying conditions: Blepharitis is caused by seborrheic dermatitis,rosacea or other type of diseases may be controlled by treating the primary disease. Blepharitis occasionally disappears completely. Even with a successful treatment, the condition usually is chronic & requires daily attention with the eyelid scrubs, maybe for life. If you don't respond to the treatment, or if you have also loss eyelashes or only one eye which is been affected, the condition can be caused by the localized eyelid cancer.