Squint is a misalignment of the eyes where the 2 eyes are pointed towards different directions. The misalignment will be constant for a few, while it can be intermittently happening for some other people. The deviation of the eye can be in any of the direction – outward, inward, upward or downward. If the child is not treated at the correct time, a situation called amblyopia will occurs, which eventually may lead to the permanent loss of vision.
Squint will be diagnosed by an eye examination. It is recommended that all children should have their vision check up by their pediatrician, family doctor or ophthalmologist on or before their 4 years. If there is a family history of amblyopia or strabismus, an ophthalmologist will check the vision even before the age of 3 years. Young children usually have a wide, flat nose & folds of the skin at inner eyelid that will make the eyes appear as crossed. This appearance of the strabismus will reduce by the child age increases. A child may not outgrow true strabismus.
An ophthalmologist will generally explain the difference between the true & false strabismus.
Squint because of refractive errors was corrected by the prescribing suitable spectacles.