An evisceration is the method of removal of the eye's contents, by leaving the scleral shell & extraocular muscles intact. The method is usually done to decrease the pain or may improve the cosmesis in blind eye, as in some cases of endophthalmitis will be unresponsive to the antibiotics.
Careful pre-operative evaluation should be done to ensure if there is no intraocular malignancy in operative eye when planning an evisceration. Evisceration will be done under general anesthesia, or in some other cases, intravenous, monitored sedation. The patient is suitably prepared & draped in a sterile manner, & the procedure is performed.
The surgeon initially evaluates & chooses the appropriate implant size to re-establish the orbital volume while ensuring the appropriate position. Implant material is surgeon-dependent & also includes spherical implant choices of the acrylic, PMMA, silicone & hydroxyapatite. A pressure patch will be applied & kept in the place for approximately 5 days following the surgery. The patient will be on antibiotics for some certain period of time after the surgery generally around 10 days. The patient should visit an ocularist for the prosthesis fitting 6-8 weeks following the surgery .