LASIK is an brilliant option for many of the patients. Custom LASIK was a laser vision correction method which helps your LASIK doctor for go further customize the alteration to individual eyes. LASIK doctors are able to focus on quantity & the quality of the vision. Custom LASIK will be result in vision clearer & sharper than ever before. Custom LASIK involves by usage of more sophisticated tools known as aberrometers which use near infrared light to found how the eye will alters the light layer by layer because it will be traveling by the elements of the eye.
How Custom LASIK Works:
Custom LASIK is required for certain type of patients & desirable for many. Everyone's eyes are different. A pre-procedure consultation with doctor may helps to determine if the Custom LASIK is a right option for you, which will be depends on the particular prescription, healing profile & expectations.
Compared to the other kinds of laser vision correction, Custom LASIK is shown or is believed to provide patients with: