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Things To Know About Eye Dilation

Date :09-May-2023

Eye dilation is the process by which the pupils, the black center portion of your eye, are enlarged. A dilated eye exam is the only way to check for eye diseases early on, when they’re easier to treat and before they cause vision loss.

The exam is simple, painless.m and is used to check for vision problems that make it hard to see clearly otherwise, like being nearsighted or farsighted. The eye drops will dilate (widen) the pupil and help to check for eye diseases.

Since many eye diseases normally produce no symptoms or warning signs, you could have a problem and not know about it. Studies have shown that even if you think your eyes are healthy, getting a dilated eye exam is the only way to know for sure.


How often you might need a dilated eye exam?

The frequency of dilated eye exams depends on your risk for eye disease. Your doctor will know exactly and advise what’s right for you.

It's recommended to get a dilated eye exam every 1 to 2 years if you:

  • Are over 60 years 
  • Have a family history of glaucoma
  • If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, you may ideally ask your doctor how often you need an exam. (Most people with diabetes or high blood pressure might need to get a dilated eye exam at least once a year.)


How does dilation work?

Dilating the pupil lets more light into your eye similar to that of opening a door which lets light into a dark room. Dilation helps the doctor to check for many common eye problems like diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

If the doctor finds signs of an eye disease, the next step will be a discussion about the treatment options and decide what’s right for you. On the other hand, if there are no signs of eye disease, you’re all set until your next exam. 

Eye diseases like glaucoma are silent killers. You may not know until it poses difficulty in treatment. Hence, it is always recommended to make a routine eye checkup for early diagnosis and treatment. Make an appointment for your next dilated eye exam with our team of experts. 


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